This site is still HEAVILLY wip!

Welcome to my site!

This is a collection of things I like, basically. I have reviews of things I like, a tutorial for the Minecraft mod Computercraft (mainly due to not being able to find a decently comprehensive tutorial for it), and a collection of various expermients that I've made.

Note: I'm going to replace the placeholder image for the header as soon as I make or find one. I'm probably not going to make any new pages until then, as I'll need to manually change each webpage once I change the header. (I did make a template page that you CAN technically access if you know the link. No idea why you would want to as it isn't that interesting. Also, I wonder if there's a way to have anything like the header automatically change or have the site apply a universal layout to every page. Probably, but I'll have to look it up...)

For now, I'll probably start focusing on refining this site, adding the About page, and generally trying to add more content and make this site more "fun" and less bland (and also get rid of all the placeholder graphics).