This site is still HEAVILLY wip!

Welcome to my site!

This is a collection of things I like, basically. I have reviews of things I like, a tutorial for the Minecraft mod Computercraft (mainly due to not being able to find a decently comprehensive tutorial for it), and a collection of various expermients that I've made.

Note: I'm going to replace the placeholder image for the header as soon as I make or find one. I'm probably not going to make any new pages until then, as I'll need to manually change each webpage once I change the header. (I did make a template page that you CAN technically access if you know the link. No idea why you would want to as it isn't that interesting. Also, I wonder if there's a way to have anything like the header automatically change or have the site apply a universal layout to every page. Probably, but I'll have to look it up...)

Update (4/23): I've honestly explained this better in the new Blog entry. TLDR: I've finished enough of the tutorials I wanted to look up that I feel like I could start working on this site again, and outlined several of the ideas I had in there.