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Lesson 0: What is Computercraft?

Disclaimer: This lesson will not contain any programming. It's just an explanation about the very basics of the mod.

Computercraft (or CC:Tweaked, it's modern port) is a mod for Minecraft that basically adds programable computers into the game that are coded in LUA. It adds two tiers of Computers, alongside many other items and blocks that either function as Computers themselves or interact with Computers in some way. This first lesson will go over the very basics, explaning the differences between the two Computer tiers and offering basic descriptions of several other items and blocks in the mod.

I also won't show you the crafting recipes for any of these items, as if the modpack you're using has JEI or any other similar mod, you can easilly look it up yourself, not to mention that many modpacks tend to change crafting recipes anyway. If I showed you the crafting recipe for anything, there's a chance it may not be applicable to the modpack you're playing. I'll be using a modpack that I've been playing on my own time to write this guide and take screenshots in, so keep in mind that there may be some cosmetic blocks in these screenshots you may not recognise.

(If you are wondering, the modpack I'm plaing now is called "Prominence II [RPG]". I honestly reccomend it, but it requires a slightly powerful computer to run. My computer just barely is able to run it well enough to be decently playable aside from some stuttering when generating terrain.)

(Put image of Computer and Advanced Computer here)

The main block the pack revolves around is the Computer. Right-clicking it opens it's interface, which resembles a command prompt or MS-DOS. Typing "help" will show basic list of commands you can type, as well as a link to Computercraft's main documentation. That documentation only goes over the LUA commands added by the mod, so it's not too useful for learning how to actually create programs.

As I mentioned earlier, there are two tiers of Computers, both of which have some differences. Basic Computers can only run a single program at a time and can only display monochrome colors, but are cheaper to craft, mainly only requiring Redstone and Glass in it's default recipe. Advanced Computers can display full color and run multiple programs at once, but are more expensive, requiring Gold Ingots. Usually, you will want to use Advanced Computers whenever possible.

I'll also go over several other basic items and blocks from the mod here, though I'll explain them in more detail later in this guide.

(Put image of a Turtle here)

A Turtle is a Computer-like block that's basically a robot. It can move on it's own, even in midair, and can break or place blocks. It also has it's own inventory, and can take or place items into chests or any other block that can contain items. They can equip tools to use them, and also be equipped with Peripherals (basically, any block that can connect with a Computer).

(Put image of Pocket Computer here)

Pocket Computers are a Computer in item form. They can do nearly anything a normal Computer can, but can be carried around in your inventory. They can only connect with certain Peripherals, and only one at a time, through crafting.

(Put an image of both tier of Monitors here)

Monitors are a Peripheral that act as an external display. They do not display what's on the Computer's screen, you need to call certain functions in your programs to "write" to the Monitor. They also come in two tiers. Basic Monitors, like basic Computers, can't display color, while Advanced Monitors can display color while also being able to detect when they're being right-clicked and where on their screen, making them function like a touch screen and making them perfect for adding clickable buttons.