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Games I Won't Review (For One Reason or Another), But Still Reccomend

These are games that I really wish I could review, but I feel they would either be a bit too well known for what I want this part of the site to be or for other reasons. For the record, I very much reccomend these games, and reccomend looking them up if you don't know what they are. Just be careful about spoilers for most of these (especially the "Too Spoilery" category).

Too Popular: These are games I like that I feel like everyone knows.

Undertale & Deltarune: Pretty sure everyone and their mother's aunt's puppy has played Undertale. Deltarune possibly less so, but it's still well-known enough to land here I would think.

Pizza Tower: Also slightly too well-known for the main reviews, despite actually being one of my favorite indie games.

Haven't Played Yet: Exactly what it says on the tin. These are games I haven't gotten around to playing yet, but have heard great things about. This is the only part of this list that I will review at some point when I DO get around to playing them.

None so far.

Too Spoilery: These are games I can't really review without spoiling WAY more about them than I would be comfortable with. Many of these games' inclusions here may even be considered spoilers in their own right.

MyHouse.wad: I really wish I could review this, but I want to minimize spoilers in my reviews and there is literally nothing about MyHouse.wad that I can talk about without spoiling something major. Honestly, the mere fact that this is the case could be considered a spoiler in and of itself. Just know it's a mod for Doom 2, and it's best experienced completely blind and preferably with at least some minor technical knowledge about how Doom 2 works (Decino's videos come to mind as a reccomendation of what to watch first).

Outer Wilds: This is a game that's best experienced blind. That's all I'm going to say on the matter other than this also being one of my favorite indie games. It's also probably a bit too well known as well.