This site is still HEAVILLY wip!


This is where I put reviews for basically anything I like that I feel could use more attention. There are mostly indie games here, but I may put just about any type of media here.

Note: all of my currently-planned reviews are unfinished, but I do have quite a few things I would like to write a review for. Until then, you're welcome to just look these up yourself until I finish writing my review of them. I'll also reorder these to be in the order I make their reviews in. I'll also add links to the game and credits and stuff once I make each review.

Games I Won't Review (for one reason or another), But Still Reccomend

Unfinished Reviews

Copy Kitty (Game)

Snacko (Game)

Gnorp Apalogue (Game)

Tunic (Game)

Drehmal: Primordial (Minecraft Custom Map)

Betterified 6 (Game, Technically)

A2XT2 (Game, Technically)

4D Golf (Game)